Permitted development right

Erection or construction and the maintenance, improvement or other alteration by a local authority or by an urban development corporation

Field Value Fact links
Reference 12A Facts
Prefix permitted-development-right Facts
Name Erection or construction and the maintenance, improvement or other alteration by a local authority or by an urban development corporation Facts
Dataset Permitted development right no fact link
Organisation Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government no fact link
Start date 1995-01-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2020-12-31 Facts
Typology category no fact link
Description The erection or construction and the maintenance, improvement or other alteration by a local authority or by an urban development corporation of: (a) any small ancillary building, (b) lamp standards, passenger shelters, public shelters and seats, telephone boxes, fire alarms, public drinking fountains, horse troughs, refuse bins or baskets, barriers for the control of people waiting to enter public service vehicles, electric vehicle charging points and any associated infrastructure, and similar structures or works required in connection with the operation of any public service administered by them Facts
Documentation url Facts
Permitted development right part 12 Facts
Permitted development right class A Facts


    "reference": "12A",
    "prefix": "permitted-development-right",
    "name": "Erection or construction and the maintenance, improvement or other alteration by a local authority or by an urban development corporation",
    "dataset": "permitted-development-right",
    "organisation-entity": "600001",
    "start-date": "1995-01-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2020-12-31",
    "typology": "category",
    "geometry": "",
    "point": "",
    "entity": 11500086,
    "description": "The erection or construction and the maintenance, improvement or other alteration by a local authority or by an urban development corporation of: (a) any small ancillary building, (b) lamp standards, passenger shelters, public shelters and seats, telephone boxes, fire alarms, public drinking fountains, horse troughs, refuse bins or baskets, barriers for the control of people waiting to enter public service vehicles, electric vehicle charging points and any associated infrastructure, and similar structures or works required in connection with the operation of any public service administered by them",
    "documentation-url": "",
    "permitted-development-right-part": "12",
    "permitted-development-right-class": "A"

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