Locally listed building
About this dataset
Total | 448 Locally listed buildings |
Data providers | 1 |
Collector last ran on | 2025-02-15 |
New data last found on | 2025-01-31 |
Origin | Data created by MHCLG. We will replace this with data from authoritative sources when it is available. |
Licence | Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. |
Attribution | © Crown copyright and database right 2025 |
Summary | A building or site in a local planning authority’s area that make a positive contribution to its local character and sense of place because of their heritage value. Although such heritage assets may not be nationally designated or even located within the boundaries of a conservation area, they may be offered some level of protection by the local planning authority identifying them on a formally adopted list of local heritage assets. This is an experimental dataset of locally listed buildings found on data.gov.uk. We are working with a group of local planning authorities to help them publish their locally listed buildings, and to develop a data specification for locally listed buildings. |
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